Monday, April 27, 2009

Shoewalas - get ready for a sale

Its happening in India, first it was @ PC by a journalist from Punjab, then an angry BJP worker on Advani, now college student on our prime minister. It is moment of shame when voters had opportunity to cast their vote and make the right choice for their constituencies... few went to voting booths in karnataka.

To show you the stats on what i am talking about, here is the voting percentages of all the 17 constituencies of karnataka...

Bangalore South which houses many educated bangaloreans witnessed one of the low turn around. Again, rural bangalore votes more % than the so called urban bangalore.

Guess what, jaago re and many other initiatives in print and visual media, motivational talk by NGO and govt representatives did not make them vote,

What punishment should be given to these non voters?
Lets ask shoewalas for a sale and hurl one piece at a time on these non voters. what u say, huh?

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