Monday, April 27, 2009

Shoewalas - get ready for a sale

Its happening in India, first it was @ PC by a journalist from Punjab, then an angry BJP worker on Advani, now college student on our prime minister. It is moment of shame when voters had opportunity to cast their vote and make the right choice for their constituencies... few went to voting booths in karnataka.

To show you the stats on what i am talking about, here is the voting percentages of all the 17 constituencies of karnataka...

Bangalore South which houses many educated bangaloreans witnessed one of the low turn around. Again, rural bangalore votes more % than the so called urban bangalore.

Guess what, jaago re and many other initiatives in print and visual media, motivational talk by NGO and govt representatives did not make them vote,

What punishment should be given to these non voters?
Lets ask shoewalas for a sale and hurl one piece at a time on these non voters. what u say, huh?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Voting Experiences

Its been three times I cast my vote in an Indian election. Each time I had new experiences with the voting process.

Attempt 1:-

At the age of 19, I voted first. It was for the assembly elections for Lalgudi constituency. On the way to polling booth in thalakudi, we were distributed coupon denoting our name and file number by the local party cadres. I think it was from party A. The voting process was simple after that..On the way back, we wanted to share our happiness and thank the person who distributed us coupon.

அண்ணா வோட் போட்டுடேன்
ஃப்ர்ஸ்ட் டைமா ?
சரி எந்த தெரு தம்பி ?
ராயர்த்தோப்பு , கோவில் பக்கதுல
இன்னொரு தபா வோட் போடரியா ? இளங்கோ ஊர் இல்ல

Hmm! Me and badri blinked…

they may be Microsoft certified fake vote specialists. We voted for the first time. Also we were not sure if Elango was in town or not. We silently turned down the request and walked with head high again! We cast our first vote

Attempt 2:-

it was for the parliamentary constituency. Again the duo of myself and badri went to polling booth. As usual collected the coupon and made sure the same person is not distributing. We stood in the line. One of our neighborhood friend came and stood behind us in the line. He started talking to both of us on worldly things..

Did u watch yesterday’s match?


Its very hot these days, isn’t it?





(as we approached close to the entrance of the polling booth, he started campaigning…)

You are all young, you should use your vote for better cause, you know how we are suffering becz of selecting the party B, you should always vote for party A. if they come to power, it will be good for everyone in state, for our caste…

Hmm! I & Badri decided from the beginning to vote for the MLA who laid road in our area. It is time to payback and it was against the campaign of our neighborhood friend…

Attempt 3:-

This time, it was only10 mins affair in the polling booth. No major events. every one had voter id card, it was EVM, thanks to the karnataka election commission website, we knew our file number and part number..

Looking forward for next opportunity to vote.. how will that election be?

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

ஆபீஸ் மழை (office rain)

Its raining in bangalore for the past 2 days. big relief from the summer temperature. For years, i was wondering why it rains between 7-9 AM in the morning or 4-8 PM in the evening. It either forces you to stay back home or stay back in office :-)

Recently i coined this word ஆபீஸ் மழை (office rain) to call pattern of rain...

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Jaago re #3 - The end

Finally last saturday i got my voter id done.. hurrraaayy!! Now i can vote for South Bangalore and contribute to my choice of leader for my area :-)

The End